【piax.uk】piaX - das mobile CRM von mobileBlox GmbH  
Website Introduction:mobileBlox GmbH hat mit piaX eine mobile CRM-Lösung für proALPHA entwickelt. Durch eine direkte Synchronisation zwischen ERP-System und Microsoft Exchange Server arbeiten Vertrieb, Management, Innendienst und Support immer auf aktuellen Daten, die auch auf mobilen Endgeräten wie Smarthpones und Tablets zur Verfügung stehen.
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Website Introduction:OTHO Limited is an emergency management consultancy based in the UK and working for clients around the world. Contact us now to find out what we do.
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【ravo.uk】Ravenstonedale Community and Heritage Centre | RAVO  
Website Introduction:Ravenstonedale Community and Heritage Centre serves the parish of Ravenstonedale, Kirkby Stephen, Cumbria. Available for hire.

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【ravs.uk】Private Company Share Value and Business Goodwill Valuation Specialists.  
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【rgsl.uk】Retired Greyhounds South Lakes (RGSL) - Independent charity focused on homing retired ex-racing greyhounds  
Website Introduction:An Independent Greyhound Rescue charity based in Cumbria providing Rescue & Rehoming Services for Greyhounds. See also tips on caring for and training your retired Greyhound, online shop, monthly walks, other events and fundraising oportunities.

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Website Introduction:Design, code and content for sales and marketing. Powering brands like Google, YouTube and King with our team of award-winning specialists.

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Website Introduction:The latest news from the Royal Naval Sailing Association

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